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WarZone 2 pode mudar o nome, vazamento provoca gráficos e infinito ala de crise

According to an interesting new leak, Warzone 2 could be getting a name change, as Infinity Ward considers rebranding its Battle Royale.

One of the most eagerly awaited games of 2022 is Infinity Ward’s Modern Warfare 2. The new Modern Warfare reboot in 2019 was able to put Call of Duty back on the map for many fans, especially due to its Battle Royale, Warzone.

Now, MW2 is just around the corner and it’s bringing Warzone 2 to the table at last. Activision is already promising ‘groundbreaking innovations’ when Warzone 2’s reveal drops.

But it seems that lately, leakers have the company’s number at every turn. Just the other day, we got a big Warzone 2 leak revealing the new map, gameplay, and loadout details.

And now, an intriguing new post is surfacing, with some gameplay alongside it.

Warzone 2 Could Get a Rebrand – New Battle Royale Name?

Allegedly, Warzone 2 could be changing its name, despite the Battle Royale’s excellent brand recognition.

This claim comes from a new 4chan post – and we know what you’re thinking.

Usually, we wouldn’t consider this a reliable source, but this time it came alongsidealleged video footage of Modern Warfare’s new DMZ mode!

Modern Warfare 2 LEAKED Gameplay...

Assuming that the poster is indeed an Activision employee, something that we’re still taking with a pinch of salt, it’d make sense for their claims to be based in truth. Among them is a report that Infinity Ward may be considering moving away from the Warzone branding.

Leia mais: WarZone Creative Director de volta à Operação Monarch Haters: 'Divertir -se não é para todos'

Reportedly, this is due to the Battle Royale having poor player perception that some employees would like to move away from. It’s certainly true that Warzone’s reputation has tanked since its incredible 2020 release.

In fact, many players have expressed their desire to wipe the board clean entirely with Warzone 2.

Warzone 2 Graphics, Issues, & Infinity Ward Crunch

The leaker also touches on the issue of Warzone 2’s graphics.

We may have recentlyhad a look at them ourselves with this Modern Warfare 2 gameplay leak last week!

According to the 4chan leaker, players shouldn’t expect a big lead in graphical fidelity this year, due to last-gen consoles still holding back the title. Of course, we expect that there will at least be a slightly nicer-looking version of the game for an extra cost on ‘next-gen’ units, as usual.

Right now, the leaker also reports that Warzone 2 decisions are happening quickly, with “move fast and break things” as the developer’s motto. Falling through the Battle Royale map is apparently a common issue, and new versions of the game are frequent.

While passion is allegedly high at Infinity Ward right now, crunch is said to be ‘awful’. As such, the leaker expects that the team will be ‘running on fumes post-release’.

We can only hope that this part of the leak proves to be untrue. But as we mentioned before, this whole report needs to be taken with a pinch of salt until more evidence arrives.

Recently, another tease claimed that these fan-favorite MW2 maps will be coming to Warzone 2’s map! It’d be nice to see some iconic locations as part of the Battle Royale experience.

Meanwhile, Modern Warfare 2 will apparently feature improvements to SBMM, one of the most unpopular features in Call of Duty history. Unfortunately for fans who hate Skill-Based Matchmaking, it isn’t going away.

And finally, yet another recent leak teases that the new game may allow for players to trade skins and blueprints!

What do you think of all the recent leaks?


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